UDOT values your innovative work. Your published innovation is automatically considered for one of the annual UDOT Innovation of the Year Awards and is eligible for a quarterly random prize drawing. Some innovations are highlighted in the annual Innovation & Efficiencies Report.

Thank you for making a positive impact.
Your efforts enhance Utahn's quality of life and keep Utah moving!

Quarterly Prize Drawings

To encourage and reward innovative efforts both large and small, three innovations will be randomly selected each quarter to receive a monetary prize.


Members of the three winning innovation teams will receive $50 each.


Annual UDOT Innovation Awards and Prizes

All innovations published between September 1 and August 31 will be considered for one of four innovation awards. Sixteen innovations will be selected as award finalists in September. From these finalists, four winning innovations will be announced in October. 


Innovation of the Year - recognizes an innovation that significantly advances safety, saves costs, and/or improves public service. This award favors innovations that have a big-dollar or far-reaching impact on large numbers of people.

Spark Award for Inventive Innovation of the Year - recognizes creativity in developing novel processes, tools, or technologies to solve problems and make improvements. This award provides room for smaller innovations to be recognized that may not have as large an impact as the Innovation of the Year, but nevertheless exemplify the innovative spirit in a special way.

Enhance Award for Adaptive Innovation of the Year - honors ingenuity, adoption, adaptation, or resourceful problem-solving using available resources. This award respects that you do not have to reinvent the wheel to enhance outcomes and that taking someone else's idea to the next level in the way you apply it to your situation can be just as valuable.

Flow Award for Process Improvement of the Year - recognizes the implementation of a new or redesigned process that achieves excellent results. Continually improving the way you plan, prepare, execute, revise, and rethink your work to enhance performance is a never-ending source of innovation.





Q: What is the difference between an innovation, idea, or concept?

A:  The Innovation Program is interested in collecting stories of implemented innovations that are in use at UDOT. Pilot programs and prototypes may be eligible if the results suggest further implementation is recommended. For comparison, ideas and concepts are untested or not yet implemented. We encourage employees to work with their leaders to vet, authorize, and develop their ideas into implemented innovations.

Q: What makes an innovation submission eligible for a prize?

A:  Innovation stories must be published in the UDOT Innovation Catalog System and appear in the Innovation Catalog during one of the four quarters of the collection year (September 1 through August 31 of the following year). Innovation Program staff reserve the right to evaluate and determine publication in the Innovation Catalog based on relevance, completeness, and the qualifications outlined on the Submit an Innovation page.

Q: Who can submit an innovation?

A:  Contractors, consultants, MPO’s, and other partners working on UDOT-sponsored or -funded projects and activities are encouraged to work with their primary contact at UDOT to submit innovations.

Q: Are non-UDOT employees eligible to win monetary prizes? 

A: No. Monetary prizes are only awarded to UDOT employees. However, non-UDOT innovation team members whose innovation wins one of the four Innovation of the Year Awards are invited to participate in the awards luncheon.

Q: Can an innovation win a quarterly drawing and go on to become a finalist and award winner?

A: Yes! Innovation team members can receive prizes for quarterly drawings and also win an Innovation of the Year Award.

Q: Will an employee receive multiple prizes if they helped develop multiple innovations that are finalists or win innovation awards?

A: Yes. If you are part of multiple finalists and/or award-winning innovations, you may receive a prize for each innovation.

Q: If I help develop more than one innovation, can I receive prize money from multiple drawings in the same quarter?

A: No. If the same person is a team member of different innovations drawn in the same quarter, that person may only receive one $50 prize that quarter.

Q: What is the intent of the Team Enhancement Budget award?

A: The Team Enhancement Budget award is intended to support further development or implementation of innovations, or to support team-building activities to recognize and reward accomplishments. Expenditures must be preapproved by the Research and Innovation Division director. Eligible expenses up to $1,000 will be reimbursed upon processing of receipt submission.

Q: Why do the home units of innovation team members receive the Team Enhancement Budget rather than just the members of the innovation team?

A: UDOT's culture of innovation is founded on the willingness to try new things which requires the support and trust of all team members and leaders. To express gratitude for the supervisor and teammate’s support, even if they were not directly involved with the innovation, the units of winning teams will all benefit from the Team Enhancement Budget.

Q: If a winning innovation's team is composed of people from different units how is the Team Enhancement Budget awarded?

A: In consultation with the innovation team's leader, the manager of the Innovation Program will allocate the Team Enhancement Budget (TEB) to the different units represented by the members of the innovation development team. 

Q: Who decides how the Team Enhancement Budget award will be spent?

A: The units that receive the Team Enhancement Budget award decide as a team how their portion of the prize will be used. It may not be distributed as cash or benefit only certain people on the team.

Q: How do cash winners receive their prize? 

A: Monetary prizes are paid through an employee’s paycheck and are subject to payroll taxes and withholdings.

Q: Where does funding for the prizes come from?

A: The UDOT Research and Innovation Division funds prizes and awards using state funds.

Q: Are the UDOT Innovation Awards the same as the Utah Transportation Conference awards?

A: No. The UDOT Innovation Awards are hosted by and selected from innovations published in the UDOT Innovation Catalog. The Utah Transportation Conference holds a separate contest for Utah's transportation industry. We highly recommend that innovation team members nominate their UDOT innovations in the Utah Transportation Conference contest.

These rules are subject to change.