Ideas are submitted in the Idea Portal, which is part of the Learning Portal. Ideas can be voted up or down, people can make comments, and you can join in the discussion.
STEP 1: Verify you are submitting an idea, not an implemented innovation?
Before you continue, verify that you are in the right place. The Idea Portal is for ideas, not implemented innovations.
Ideas are thoughts or suggestions about what is possible and should be submitted on the Ideas Portal.
An implemented innovation is something we have already done that solves a problem, resulting in value for UDOT, its stakeholders and/or customers. See the Why Innovation? page for more information about what is considered an innovation.
STEP 2: Open the Idea Portal
STEP 3: Click the IDEAS tab, then the SHARE AN IDEA button
STEP 4: Fill out the CONTRIBUTE IDEA form
Fill out the form.
Share your idea! Notify the people who would be interested by entering their names in the "Share with:" field. The system will automatically send them an email with a direct link to your idea.
Click the Save button when you are done.
Click the "View all >" link at the bottom right corner of the "Ideas" page to access the advanced idea page where you can sort, search and see the top 10 ideas, recent ideas and the most discussed ideas.
Vote other ideas up or down to help prioritize which ideas are worth pursuing.
Join in the conversation by leaving comments and answering questions on other's ideas.
You can "Subscribe" to an idea so that you are notified when other people leave comments.